How Opals Support Libras

How Opals Support Libras
Posted in: Birthstones
How Opals Support Libras   Opal is one of four powerful gemstones that support Libras. As a zodiac crystal, opal enhances Libra strengths, particularly their commitment to equity and teamwork. For Libras, fire opal with its orange-to-red body color, provides the most benefits. However, all opals support this air elemental zodiac sign.  

About Libras

If your birthday falls between September 23rd and October 22nd, you are a Libra. Seasonally, this sign coincides with the autumn equinox, as well as the peak of harvest. During the equinox, days and nights are equal in length. The sun and the earth spin together in perfect harmony. This balanced connection between planetary bodies exemplifies Libra's preoccupation with balance. This desire for harmony propels them toward teamwork. Their primary focus is on partnership, on appeasing and pleasing their partners, both at home and at work. (source) Their natural harmonious nature, as well as their commitment to fairness and equity, make Libras excellent team mates. In harmony with their ruling planet, Venus, these individuals are loving, filled with grace, and charming.    

Opals for Libras

Just as the planet Venus rules over Libra, so it rules over opals. When a planet rules over a gemstone, astrologers believe that these special gemstones act as pure channels for all the energies of that planet. (source) As a stone of great love, fire opals channel Venus's loving energy for Libras, especially toward those they are closest to. This free flow of harmonious energy leads to greater unity and enhanced teamwork. (source) The color orange, which is prominent in fire opals, transmits radiant energy, vitality, and endurance, as well. Specifically, they inspire emotional stability, reliability, and loyalty, all the essentials for Libras to fulfill their ultimate desires as partners. (source)    

The Best Ways for Libras to Wear Opals

Astrologers and crystal healers recommend a few ways Libras can wear opals to enhance their greatest strengths. Some recommend wearing an opal weighing 6 carats or greater on the right middle finger. (source) That is fairly specific and may not work for you. So a more universal way to wear an opal is as a pendant. This keeps its power close to your heart, as well as your throat chakra, channeling energy through two of your most influential Libra energy centers. As a heart-centered air sign, Libras long to express their love and support to those they adore. Wearing an opal pendant draws the loving power of Venus straight to the heart, opening the throat for full expression. Of course, you can wear opal in any way that suits you. Just choose an opal jewel that catches your eye, and you can't go wrong. Remember how I mentioned that Libras have four powerful gemstones to choose from? In my next article, I will write about how peridot, Libra's sun stone, supports these amazing individuals. ~Angela Magnotti Andrews
4 years ago
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