Cleaning Pearl Jewelry at Home

Cleaning Pearl Jewelry at Home
Posted in: All Things Jewelry
Cleaning Pearl Jewelry at Home   Cleaning pearl jewelry at home is simple. All you need are two things. First, a soft, lint-free cloth. Microfiber or chamois cloths work perfectly. Second, disposable cotton swabs. Truly simple.  

Daily Wear Requires Daily Cleaning

To keep your pearls in tip-top shape, you will want to wear them often. Daily exposure to humidity ensures they remain supple. This prevents cracking and degradation from dehydration. However, this also guarantees regular contact with skin, which leads to buildup of oils and other substances. These can stain or even weaken the nacre of your pearls. Cleaning pearls after every wear prevents damage.    

Cleaning Pearl Jewelry at Home

Every time you wear your pearls, wipe them down gently with a soft cloth. (source) If you see stubborn stains, dip a cotton swab in warm water and scrub gently until the stain disappears. If the stain remains, take it as a sign to schedule an appointment with your jeweler for a cleaning. Never steam clean or use an ultrasonic cleaner for your pearls. Also, avoid detergents and specialized jewelry cleaning solutions. (source)    

Other Actions to Avoid

Pearls require the utmost care to protect their delicate nacre. As such, if even one pearl graces a mixed-gemstone jewel, clean the whole jewel with the pearl in mind. For example, avoid applying silver or gold polish to any part of the piece in order to ensure the integrity of your pearl. If you wear a string of pearls, keep in mind that the silk strands on the necklace need minding as much as the pearl itself. For this reason, experts recommend avoiding submersion of pearl necklaces and bracelets in water. Soaking in water weakens the elasticity of silk which can cause the strand to stretch and snap. Finally, ensure that you keep your pearls safe when working with acids, detergents, and other chemicals, including makeup and perfume. If your pearl comes into contact with any such substance, wipe it down immediately with a damp cloth. Also, if you have any concerns, take your pearls to your jeweler for inspection. As you can see, cleaning pearls at home is simple. By following these tips, you can keep your pearls in perfect shape for every day wear. ~Angela Magnotti Andrews
4 years ago
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