Caring for Your Pearl Jewelry

Caring for Your Pearl Jewelry
Posted in: All Things Jewelry
Caring for Your Pearl Jewelry Caring for your pearl jewelry proves simple when you follow a few important tips from the experts. In addition to wearing them often and storing them properly, the experts recommend specific advice for maintaining the luster of your pearls.  

Wear Your Pearls Often

Pearls thrive in a semi-moist environment. Therefore, the easiest way to ensure they remain properly hydrated is to wear them frequently. At least once a week, more if possible. A few things to keep in mind when wearing your pearls. First of all, carefully check prongs or clasps to catch potential breakage before wearing them. Also, check the silk strands for stretch or loss of elasticity. If you see any signs of wear or damage, take them to your jeweler immediately for repair. Next, keep in mind that perspiration, direct sunlight, heat, acids, and oils all prove damaging to the nacre of the pearl. Be sure that you gently wipe your pearls clean after taking them off at the end of the day. Use a soft, dry cloth that leaves no lint or fibers behind. Avoid paper towels and tissues, as they contain tiny slivers that scratch the nacre.  

First On, Last Off

As I mentioned, acids, oils, and other harsh chemicals prove damaging to pearls. Not only do these substances reduce the shimmer and shine of your pearls, some of them actually eat away at the nacre. (source) Therefore, experts recommend putting your pearls on last. In fact, they advise waiting at least 30 minutes after applying makeup, hair products, and perfume. If you plan to exercise, sit in a sauna, go swimming, or cook over a stove, they further recommend removing your pearls beforehand. Just remember to wash your hands before handling your pearls. Also, at the end of the day, remove your pearl jewelry first, wipe it clean, and store it properly for the night. Then carry out your nightly hair and skin care routines.  

Protect the Silk Strands

You've probably heard that you shouldn't soak your pearls in water. Like me, you've no doubt wondered how water could possibly damage a pearl. Indeed, on its own a pearl remains unharmed when submerged in water. However, most pearl jewelry consists of nearly invisible silk threads holding the piece together. When soaked at length in water, these silk threads lose their elasticity. This causes them to stretch and leaves them vulnerable to breakage. You've seen it happen, the threads break and the pearls scatter to the four winds, bouncing off the floor and rolling underneath furniture. Obviously, you want to avoid anything that might lead to this scenario. Soaking your pearl jewelry in water is one such danger. Gravity proves another potential enemy. While hanging on the neck or dangling from the ears, gravity pulls on your pearl jewelry, subtly but surely stretching the silk thread. Like water, gravity weakens the elasticity of the silk, rendering it vulnerable to stretching and snapping. As such, the experts recommend you take your pearl necklaces to a jeweler once a year for restringing. At that time, be sure to request that your jeweler tie a knot between each pearl. This way, if the strand breaks, only one or two pearls will slide off onto the floor. (source) Gravity is also the reason experts recommend storing your pearl necklaces flat, rather than hanging them.  

Storing Your Pearl Jewelry

In addition to storing pearls flat in order to preserve the silk thread, you also need to store them separate from other pieces of jewelry. Pearls scratch easily, so even touching another pearl can cause significant damage. To prevent such damage, store your pearls in separate, fabric-lined compartments. You can also store them wrapped in linen or silk fabric, or in velvet pouches. Just remember to store them as flat as possible. Never store them in airtight plastic bags or totes. Pearls need the natural humidity in the air to maintain proper hydration. Dried-out pearls prove brittle and prone to cracking. If you must store your pearls in a dry place, such as a safety deposit box, consider leaving a damp cloth or cup of water in the box with them. Also, check on them regularly and remove them from the dry environment as swiftly as possible. By following these simple measures, you can ensure that your pearl jewelry remains shimmering and beautiful for years and years to come. Should you have any further questions about maintaining your pearls, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to answer any of your questions. ~Angela Magnotti Andrews
4 years ago
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