Yellow Topaz Meaning & Symbolism

Yellow Topaz Meaning & Symbolism
Posted in: Birthstones
According to the lore, wearing yellow topaz invites the protection of the gods and inspires creative expression According to the lore, wearing yellow topaz invites the protection of the gods and inspires creative expression.  Photo ©2019 EraGem Jewelry.   Yellow topaz shines as one of November's birthstones. As the gem of harmony and hospitality, it represents fully the month of giving thanks. For ages this gorgeous yellow stone inspired, comforted, and protected those who wore it.  


Yellow topaz belongs to the artist. Inspiring creativity, November's birthstone promotes self-expression. It also promotes concentration and a deep appreciation for beauty. Furthermore, it allows its wearer to realize their true potential, combining knowledge and experience to produce wisdom. In concert with the courage and confidence it provides, yellow topaz offers its wearer the strength to live life according to their own values. In addition, it's cheerful energy promotes the fulfillment of personal dreams, as well as the joy of sharing in the good fortune of others. By highlighting the highest good for its wearer, this radiant stone invites abundance for all who harness the courage and intention to follow their truest paths.  

A Stone of Comfort

In addition to inspiring creativity, November's birthstone embodies the concept of hygge. As such, it offers comfort and warmth for the coldest days of winter. Inspiring hospitality and friendship, this gemstone also provides radiant light for the darkest days. Tapping into the power of the sun, yellow topaz produces an enduring, radiant energy. This gentle strength generates joy and generosity. As a result, it increases faith and optimism, inspiring confidence and pride without inflaming the ego. (source) For certain, it encapsulates the warmth and comfort of home. Offering stability, grounding, and peace, this beautiful stone provides support for those under stress. Place it under your pillow to dispel tension and ward off bad dreams. Hold your yellow topaz for relaxation, as well as insight into the emotional loops which may be sapping you of energy. Its warm radiance lifts the mood, providing objectivity and inspiration to take action on positive intentions. Meanwhile, it also helps you retire negative thoughts and their associated actions. As a healing, soothing, regenerating stone, it offers superior support for those locked in the grips of anger. Yellow topaz invites a gentle examination of emotional pain, offering an opportunity to process your true feelings. Honoring one's feelings makes it easier to extend forgiveness and let go of the need to punish or retaliate.  

Yellow Topaz for Protection

Many ancient cultures believed topaz offered superior protection to its wearer. When worn on the left arm, it protected against another's greed or evil intent. (source) Some believed it conferred invisibility when danger threatened. Furthermore, yellow topaz disappeared in the presence of poison, offering a clear warning sign. Worn as a ring, it protected against untimely death, cured insomnia, and protected against greed. In any form, it dispelled negative thoughts, calmed rage, and even cured madness and plague. The ancient Greeks used topaz to protect against emergencies. For instance, when kept in the home it warded off fire and accidents. Egyptians believed it harnessed the power of the sun god Ra. As a result, it invited his blessings of protection and favor. Thus, they used the stone to make amulets to ensure security and protection. (source) To be sure, yellow topaz offers tremendous benefits to its wearer. To add some of this power to your life, check out this beautiful Imperial yellow topaz pendant. ~Angela Magnotti Andrews
4 years ago
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