The Power of Emerald Green

The Power of Emerald Green
Posted in: Birthstones
E is for Emerald Green   Emerald green symbolizes wealth, refinement, and royalty. Additionally, it represents balance, harmony, renewal, and growth. As the color of nature, green embodies life, fertility, and abundance. As a result, it has a soothing effect on the mind and body, inspiring relaxation and feelings of safety.  

How Emerald Green Affects the Mind & Body

Color psychologists recommend using green to promote relaxation, peace, and clarity. (source) Specifically, it balances emotions, refreshes the mind, and eases tension. On the color wheel, it carries the calming energy of blue combined with the positive energy of yellow. Together, they create a vibrant, balanced energy that both refreshes and soothes the body and mind. (source) Some experts believe that green has healing powers. As the easiest color for the eye perceive, it provides a restful focal point for those with eye strain. According to the folks at Color Matters, green might even soothe and ease pain. Furthermore, Jennifer Bourne at Bourne Creative asserts that the color green provides support for those suffering from anxiety, depression, and restlessness. No wonder so many hospitals use green as their primary paint color. Of course, here at EraGem, our favorite way to incorporate emerald green into our lives is with gemstones.    

Our Favorite Green Gemstones

Obviously, emerald places first on our list. We also love green tsavorite and green jade. Every single one of these beautiful gems offers the optimism, regeneration, and ease of the color green.

Green Emeralds

In Feng Shui, emeralds provide support for harmony and happiness in the home. They also work with the heart chakra, opening energy channels to clear out negativity and feelings of heaviness. It infuses your energy field with hope, optimism, and a sense of well-being. (source)

Green Tsavorite

Green tsavorite carries a special vibration that draws your attention toward your own inner beauty. As you recognize your own exquisiteness, you begin to recognize it in others, as well. As a result, you cultivate compassion and empathy, drawing upon kindness and generosity to guide you. Acts of kindness open your heart chakra, increasing vitality and a zest for life. These powerful effects make green tsavorite the perfect stone for supporting you through trauma, illness, or times of upheaval and transition. (source)    

Green Jade

Yet another heart stone, green jade opens the heart to nourishment. Drawing in strength from the earth and the cosmos, it soothes your heart and purifies your energy field. Feng Shui practitioners use green jade for protection and good fortune. They also rely on its power to clear spaces to bring harmony and balance. (source) Which of these emerald green stones will you add to your life for balance, harmony, and healing? ~Angela Magnotti Andrews
4 years ago
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