An Introduction to Zodiac Gemstones

An Introduction to Zodiac Gemstones
Posted in: Birthstones
My zodiac sign is Cancer, the crab. One of the zodiac gemstones associated with my sign is emerald. Photo ©2020 EraGem Jewelry.   Zodiac gemstones, also called astral birthstones, date as far back as 3,000 BC. At that time, the people of Babylon and India endowed both the planets and gemstones with magical properties. Using color and the philosophies underpinning astrology, they assigned each zodiac sign a planet and an accompanying host of gemstones.  

The Purpose of Zodiac Gemstones

According to the ancients, these cosmically connected gemstones hold within them the balance of nature. Thus, the stones served as a pipeline delivering amplified positive energies from a person's ruling zodiac planet. These ancient beliefs endure today. Astrologers continue to combine planetary influences with gemstone energies in promotion of personal healing and growth. Specifically, they propose that gemstones not only harness the healing and grounding energy of the earth, but they also strengthen the vibrations of the stars and planets. Essentially, they believe these stones act as amplifiers which enhance the planetary influences for those born under their associated zodiac sign. Although no official list exists which assigns specific gemstones to specific zodiac signs, astrologers lean heavily on ancient Hindu associations match a person with the right zodiac gemstones. (source) You can expect to find at least one astral birthstone which resonates with you throughout all the seasons of your life. It may match up with your sun sign, but don't worry if you feel pulled toward a stone assigned to a different sign. Different seasons of life prove to attract different gemstones to provide support for personal growth.  

How to Choose Your Astral Birthstone

You will know your astral birthstone is right for you when looking at it, touching it, and wearing it offers you a sense of peace and ease. In fact, sometimes zodiac gemstones literally draw you to themselves. This happened to me recently while I conducted research for an article on pink tourmaline. As I read about the characteristics of the stone and all of its positive attributes, I felt a strong pull to purchase a string of raw tourmaline crystals.

My Story

At first I felt silly after they arrived in the mail. However, a few months later I went in search of them, feeling a strong need to touch them. For a few days, I kept them close by, touching them whenever I felt drawn to them. They truly gave me comfort and peace in a mysterious and somewhat woo-woo way. I may never know whether they contributed more than just a little bit of peace during a hectic time, but I must admit that I'd pay a much higher price for peace than the investment I made in that string of gems.

Start a Story of Your Own

To start a zodiac gemstone story of your own, I encourage you to consider how my story began, by learning about the meaning and significance of a specific gem. You can start your story by reading about the qualities astrologers and other crystal experts attribute to each of the gemstones, specifically those associated with your zodiac sign. Additionally, my story begins with a longstanding relationship with gemstone jewelry. I look at photos of jewelry almost every single day, discovering daily which styles and stones call to me and which don't. You can start a similar practice today.

Step One: Take a Look at Some Gems

Experts recommend looking at an array of photos of a variety of gemstones. As you gaze upon each jewel, notice which ones draw your attention. Click here to take a look at some photos of gemstone jewels. Take your time, notice which ones draw your attention. But don't forget to come back and answer a few questions for me!

Step Two: Answer a Few Questions

Did a particular jewel catch your eye immediately? Were you moved by its beauty? Did you get lost in its depth of color? Did it stir some deep emotions within you? Go back and look one at it one more time. Which emotions arise as you gaze upon this jewel? Make a note of the name of the gemstone.

Step Three: Do a Little Research

Now, pop over to Google real quick and search to find out which stones the experts recommend for your zodiac sign. Does their list match up with the stone that drew your attention? If so, kind of magical, huh? If not, don't fret. Zodiac signs are based on the primary ruling planet and constellation. However, each person's specific birth month, day, time, and year combine to offer a host of cosmic influences over a person's life. Perhaps one of these other planetary influences is governing your personal growth at this time. If the stone you're drawn to doesn't line up with your zodiac sign, I urge you to dig a little deeper. Search for information on the meaning and symbolism of the gem that called to you. Does it offer support for something you're going through in the present? Something specific to your season? If so, you might consider adding the jewel to your collection and keeping it close by during this season.  

How to Use Your Zodiac Gemstones

Now that you know how to choose a zodiac gem, or rather let it choose you, I'll use the last few minutes of our time together to share how to use your zodiac birthstone jewels. I already described one way in my personal story. When you feel a strong desire to touch your gem, keep it nearby. Wear it in a ring or a pendant, and give it a squeeze or run your fingers across it whenever you need a little boost. Experts agree that skin-to-skin contact provides the greatest benefits. If you practice meditation, you can hold the gem in your hand, or press your fingers against it on your ring or pendant. Also, do a deep dive into the meaning and symbolism associated with the gemstone. Pay special attention to Hindu descriptions of gemstones and information related to color theory and psychology. Journal your thoughts as you learn more about your stone. Spend time asking yourself questions about why this gemstone now. Perhaps just by learning about the stone and writing a few of your thoughts down, you might unlock a block or find the next right action to take to move forward in your personal journey. If you followed the steps to find your zodiac gemstone, would you share which jewel and/or stone captured your attention? I would be happy to share resources for further exploration! ~Angela Magnotti Andrews  
4 years ago
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