Beyonce's Wedding Ring

  Capture the Essence! of Jennifer Aniston's Stunning 8-carat Engagement Ring with this 7-Carat Asscher Cut Diamond Engagement Ring. Photo ©2014 EraGem Jewelry. Capture the Essence! of Beyonce's Wedding Ring with this 7-Carat Asscher Cut Diamond Engagement Ring. Photo ©2014 EraGem Jewelry. Beyonce's wedding ring is actually a tattoo of the Roman numeral "IV" in reddish-brown ink. It matches hubby Jay-Z's tattoo, which he sports on his left ring finger. According to numerous sources, Beyonce and Jay-Z cherish the number 4 above all numbers. Not only were they both born on the 4th of their birthday months, but they were also married on 04/04.

Beyonce and Jay-Z Keep It Real

Their tattoos are a sign of a forever love, which Beyonce confirmed to Essence Magazine in 2008, that what they have is real. Six years and going strong, this does seem to be the case. They certainly don't hype their relationship by giving excessive interviews. "I feel that, especially now, with the Internet and paparazzi and camera phones, it's so difficult to maintain mystery. And that's so important. Even in a relationship, I feel like not being that accessible is really important," she told Essence Magazine. In addition to maintaining an air of mystery, Beyonce wasn't shy about admitting that her closed lips protect her brand, as well. " controls your brand. it controls what you want to put out there and kind of forces people to talk about what you want them to talk about," she said.

Secret Engagement, No Engagement Ring?

To date, it appears that Essence Magazine is the only publication Beyonce has really opened up to about their romance, and then only once. Their engagement was such a secret that no one heard about it until after the two were married. Jay-Z appears to have let slip while performing in Paris that they were actually engaged in the City of Love, but that is the end of the disclosure. According to Beyonce, she didn't want an engagement ring, saying "It's just material and it's just silly to me." This didn't stop Jay-Z from gifting her a very material diamond ring that reportedly features an astonishing 20 carats of white diamonds. The famed singer has yet to comment on the significance of this ring, though she does wear it on that finger. The ring, designed by revered designer Lorraine Schwartz, features a jaw-dropping, 18-carat, flawless white diamond. The diamond is reported to be emerald cut, and it hugs her finger on a delicate split-shank platinum band. The band is completely encrusted in diamonds so that none of the metal shows--a Lorraine Schwartz signature. Some say that this ring is Beyonce's wedding ring, and others call it her engagement ring. What would you call it?
10 years ago
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