Aquamarine - The Mermaid's Stone

Posted in: Birthstones
Aquamarine Chandelier Earrings Aquamarine Chandelier Earrings. Photo ©2019 EraGem Jewelry.   For thousands of years, aquamarine has been associated with the sea and its fantastical creature the mermaid. As March's birthstone, it aligns perfectly with the fish sign Pisces. Not only did the ancients believe mermaids gave humans the gift of aquamarine, they also ascribed to it powers of protection for all who sail the seas.  

Gift of the Mermaid

Mermaid tales frequent the folklore of many cultures, including that of Russia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, Africa, France, and more. In fact, nearly every seafaring people weave stories of sirens or nymphs of the sea. In Ancient Rome and Greece, legends of the mermaids included the gemstone aquamarine. The Romans in particular believed the sea blue gem washed ashore after spilling out of the mermaid's treasure chest. Blessed by the sea god Neptune, they trusted the crystals to bring fortune and protection to those who found them. Early sailors engraved the likeness of Neptune on aquamarine pendants and wore them whenever they traveled the seas. As a talisman, they believed the crystals protected them from storms at sea. Particularly, they depended on them to prevent them from drowning. Some even wore them to ward off seasickness. Some of these ancient sailors even believed that the scales of a mermaid's tail were made of aquamarines. For certain, they believed that the gemstone held all the powers and mystery of the sea and its merfolk.  

The Dark Side of Mermaids

Ovid, the Roman poet, describes the birth of mermaids out of tragedy. During the fall of Troy, he wrote of how the wood of their burning ships transformed into the "green daughters of the sea." Thus, the birth of mermaids. This tragic beginning may account in part for the darkening of the mermaid myths. Additionally, carrying aquamarine failed to protect every sailor at sea. As time marched on, tales of encounters with mermaids grew dichotomous. Sometimes, the maidens of the sea bestowed their grace upon humans, leading them away from danger. Other times, crafty sirens lured men to watery deaths. Enchanting them with song, they carried them down to the depths with them. Their mesmerizing beauty and commanding powers might just as easily unleash a storm as calm one. Most assuredly, mermaids were assigned blame for many a ship run aground. Regardless, their association with aquamarines remains strong. Therefore, sailors attributed many powers to the gemstone. Not surprisingly, these ancient legends and practices shaped contemporary views on the powers of aquamarine.  

Aquamarine Legends

Some people still believe aquamarines remain in tune with the sea. They believe the crystals possess the power to invoke the merfolk, as well as other sea nymphs and water goddesses. Some also believe they carry within them the secrets of the sea. The nourishment and serenity of the sea are ascribed to the aquamarine, as well. While few continue to believe in mermaids and merfolk, the aquamarine continues to remind its wearer of the formidable, yet alluring nature of the sea. EraGem offers several legend-worthy aquamarine jewels. To view our selection, give us a call today.
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