Words Matter When it Comes to Proposals

Posted in: All Things Jewelry
2-Carat Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring Let's face it, when it comes to proposing to the one you want to spend your life with, words matter. Perhaps you're a straight shooter, and what you mean actually comes out of your mouth when you want it to. If this is you, then all you have to do is take that engagement ring box to dinner with your girl, set it down in front of her, perhaps just before dessert, and say, "Hey, Gina. Would you marry me?" If this is you, you've got it made. If she loves you, she'll already know that you keep things simple. This will melt her heart, and she'll say, Yes. (Of course, it won't hurt to shore up your position by exhibiting your excellent taste in engagement rings.) However, if your heart has a gazillion words to say, but your mouth doesn't seem to want to cooperate, then you may need a little help from those who've stood where you're about to be standing, or rather, who've knelt where you're about to be kneeling. After surveying a number of excellent film proposal scenes, I offer you a sampling of some of the best fictitious, but no less romantic words to get you started. And fellas, when it comes to this moment, even if you need notes and you still flub it, as long as you speak straight from your heart, you can't go wrong. Rob proposes to Laura in High Fidelity: "I'm tired of the fantasy, because it doesn't really exist, and there are never really any surprises, and it never really...delivers.... I'm tired of that. And I'm tired of everything else, for that matter, but I don't ever seem to get tired of you, so...." Maggie proposes to Ike in Runaway Bride: "I guarantee that we'll have tough times, and I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart, you're the only one for me." Ramses proposes to Nefretiri in The Ten Commandments: "I know you, my sweet. You're a sharp-clawed, treacherous little peacock, but you are food for the gods, and I am going to have all of you....You will be my wife. You will come to me whenever I call you, and I will enjoy that very much. Whether you enjoy it or not is your own affair. But I think you will." Al proposes to Annie in How Do You Know (the first time): "The reason that I never talked marriage to you is because I couldn't stand to see you, the Princess of Worry, weighted down by me and my limited prospects. Because I get your worry, Annie. And I know that a lot of people think that that's a bad thing about you, but I know that it's because you have a great big heart, and I love you for it. And then I started to worry about what would happen to you...if you guys wound up with someone who thought that your worry was...you know...(neurotic)...yeah, somebody who didn't get you, who wanted you to feel bad about yourself, you know, wanted to make you be more normal of a person or wanted you to change or like yourself more...you know...who didn't love all of it, Annie, who didn't want to leave great enough alone, and I thought that I, you know, I could do that for you...that could be a legitimate function in your life....So that allows me to propose to you that we get married. I wanna marry you, Annie." Massimo proposes to Mary in The Wedding Planner: "Mary, I know I never done the right thing, say the right thing. I know I act like a fool. I know say we'd be buddy-buddy friends, but that would not be true to my heart so I'll ask this one question, and if you answer "no" I'll leave you alone once and for all. Be my wife, Mary Fiore. If you answer yes I'll take care of you, be true to you, and like this house I built for your dolls, I'll make sure you have a strong roof over your head. If you answer yes than no one will love you as much as I love you. If you answer yes than you will make me the happiest man on earth."
10 years ago
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