Sotheby's Diamonds Online Auction Celebrates the Number 8

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Sotheby's Diamonds Online Auction in September Sotheby's Celebrates the Number 8 in their upcoming Diamonds Online Auction. Photo courtesy of Sotheby's.   Sotheby's Diamonds Online auction takes place from September 8 to September 18, 2018. Curators of the sale decided to focus this sale on the Chinese tradition of numerology. In commemoration of the passing of the singular occurrence of the date 08-08-18, they handpicked 8 lots of exceptional loose diamonds.  

Chinese Numerology & The Number 8

These clusters of ice embody the power of the number 8. Eight is considered the luckiest number in Chinese numerology. The Chinese word for 8 (八) sounds like 發 (fa), which translates "wealth, fortune, and prosper"). When 8 is repeated, such as in the number 88, its fortuitous meaning increases. This is because it now resembles 囍 (shuāng xǐ), which means "double happiness." The Chinese do what they can to bring the number 8 to bear in their lives. Now you have the opportunity to do so, as well.  

Sotheby's Diamonds Have Beauty and Significance

In addition, the number 8 also resembles the symbol for infinity. All of the diamonds in Sotheby's Diamonds Online auction combine impeccable qualities with carat weights featuring the number 8. All the diamonds chosen for this sale are remarkably pure and colorless in clarity, all in a variety of cuts. Experts at Diacore carefully oversaw the provenance of each one of these exquisite stones. In particular, they monitored the stones from the mines in South Africa, Botswana, or Namibia. Then, they brought the diamonds to their cutters and polishers in New York. Sotheby's hopes these diamonds find their way into the most precious of jewels, wedding and engagement rings. Unquestionably, these diamonds promise to imbue any jewel with good fortune and the promise of prosperity. "With beauty and significance in equal measure, these diamonds will make for jewels that are precious in every sense." (source)
6 years ago
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