A Jubilee Procession

Posted in: Jewelry History
File:Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Service, 22 June 1897.jpg Queen Victoria at St. Paul's Cathedral on Diamond Jubilee Day, 1897. Photo credit: photo of painting by Andrew Carrick Gow, public domain (PD-US)   Today* in the news, I read about a Jubilee Rock Concert scheduled for in celebration of Queen Elizabeth's 60 years as monarch. The lineup features primarily British rock artists, including Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, and Dame Shirley Bassey. However, a few Americans artists round out the lineup: Stevie Wonder and will.i.am. This concert, and other grand celebrations, have been in the making for several years now. The last time such preparations were being made in the UK was in January 1897, when in answer to her customary prayer to be of use to her country, it was decided that the Empire would celebrate a grand festival in honor of Queen Victoria's 60 years as queen, a feat no other British monarch had achieved. She agreed to the celebration, though in lieu of her weakened health she requested that her public appearance be restricted to one day of public festivities, June 22, 1897. After only five months of planning, Queen Victoria commenced the day with a special family Thanksgiving service held on June 20, 1897, in St. George's Chapel, which included the singing of Prince Albert's Te Deum and Bishop How's Jubilee hymn (musically arranged by Sir Arthur Sullivan). The entire British Empire scheduled Jubilee services at 11 o’clock in every chapel, synagogue, and church across the empire. Can you imagine standing on the streets of London at 11 o’clock that morning? While it certainly was no rock concert, surely the sounds of the bells and voices lifted in celebration and thanksgiving would have been a wonder to behold! Later that day, Queen Victoria took up her procession through the streets of London, with even the sun making an appearance just as the guns in Hyde Park broadcast her departure from Windsor Palace. In her own words, Victoria declared: “No one ever, I believe, has met with such an ovation as was given to me, passing through those six miles of streets…the crowds were quite indescribable, and their enthusiasm truly marvellous and deeply touching. The cheering was quite deafening, and every face seemed to be filled with real joy.” And I hope that Queen Elizabeth II has had this very same experience this weekend. There is nothing quite like the joy of love, honor, and appreciation for a public life lived well. by Angela Magnotti Andrews
*Originally published June 4, 2012 on Jewelry-History.com.


1. Barr, Robert. "Queen's Jubilee: Rock concert at Buckingham Palace." Associated Press. Last Modified June 4, 2012. http://news.yahoo.com/queens-jubilee-rock-concert-buckingham-palace-110146194.html. 2. Longford, Elizabeth. Queen Victoria: Born to Succeed. New York and Evanston: Harper & Row, 1964.
11 years ago
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