Introducing Art Nouveau—Hope for a Nation

Posted in: Jewelry History
“The works of…Art Nouveau… transformed the environment of our time.” ~Penelope Hunter-Stiebel  by Angela Magnotti Andrews Imagine a time without the sensuous lines, rich colors, and bold femininity of Art Nouveau jewelry. Naïve to the “darkness” of jewelry without the delicate beauty of the aesthetic Art Nouveau influence, it’s hard for us to imagine the celebratory and scandalous scene the jewelers of the early 1900s painted for their patrons. While Queen Victoria set a tone of somber moodiness in her strict adherence to her imposing mourning habits, the jewelry industry made a self-preserving decision to follow Princess Alexandra’s lead in a successful attempt to revive the romantic notions associated with jewelry. Their attempt to influence a new generation toward a renewed sense of fun and interest in fashion paid off, and from this transition emerged two of the most monumental and unprecedented arts movements of all time: The Arts & Crafts and the Art Nouveau movements.
Anderson, Judith. "Victorian Jewelry--A Little Bit of Everything." The Jewelry Experts. Accessed May 16, 2012.
11 years ago
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